This week our focus is on Prosekynesen (προσεκύνησεν) which comes from the Greek proskyneo, that is, “fell down before”, or worship, meaning to revere, often, by kneeling or prostrating oneself in respect or supplication. 


The word prosekynesen is found in Mark 5:6 speaks to the demonic’s response upon seeing Jesus. Our story for this week begins with Jesus disembarking from the boat on the other side of the sea, the disciples fade from the story. A ghastly figure takes center stage. He is possessed, he howls, he dashes himself with stones. His strength is such that no human figure can bind or control him. From his first encounter with Jesus, there is no question who is in control. Jesus is the strong one with the upper hand; the demoniac cowers and asks to be left alone. When it becomes apparent that Jesus will expel the demons (their name is Legion, for there are many of them), they ask instead to be sent into a nearby herd of swine. Jesus permits this, and the herd of pigs rushes headlong into the lake and drowns.


The point of reflection for this week is prosekynesen or proskyneo, that is, bowing down … worshipping. Bowing down or worshipping in our story opens the door for us to clearly see that humanity — its society and institutions — impedes the in-breaking of God’s kingdom more than it expedites. The way the Kingdom of God breaks into the world in Mark’s story wrests control from humanity. Humanity’s way of “dealing” with the demoniac — ostracism and segregation — is not tenable in God’s Kingdom.


The question that confronts us is to whom or what do we bow down? Jesus? Which Jesus?


Creator and Redeemer …

Sanctifier …

Justifier …

as Model (pattern) …

as Teacher …


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Tim

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