Mark 4:35-41 is a very familiar story of Jesus calming the wind and the sea while in a boat crossing the lake of Galilee to get to the other side. It is a story that comes after a series of parables and sayings about the kingdom of God in Mark 4:1-34.


The parables and sayings in Mark 4:1-34 are all about trust. Trusting in God as identified through the seed that the Sower sows. Trusting in God as the light coming into a darkened house that shows the way. Trusting in God as the mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds. Trust in God.


When contemplating your trust in God, how would you describe it?


Like the disciples, do you find yourself in a boat with Jesus, crossing a body of water when a great storm overtakes the vessel? You have witnessed Jesus teaching from the parables in Mark 4 to his teaching in local synagogues to casting out demons to healing the sick. In other words, you have witnessed first-hand Jesus bringing life into the lives of people. You know what he is capable of and you see him sleeping in the back of the boat, as the boat is tossed about by a violent storm. The boat that is about to be capsized. You hear yourself along with the other disciples exclaim:


“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”


In the world today, we are constantly living or sailing in storms that appear ready to overtake us. Our very lives are at risk. We could die at any moment. Name the storm that you are currently sailing in. What is the storm that is about to capsize your boat? What is the storm that is overwhelming your life?


Where are you Lord? Do you not care that we are perishing?


What is Jesus’ response to your cry?


Read Mark 4:35-41 in preparation for Sunday. Describe your trust in the midst of the storm.

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