Pastoral Update 14 August 2020


This Sunday, we begin a four-week sermon series on the book of Ruth. In studying the book of Ruth the last month, I have refreshingly become aware of the richness of the “neighborliness” of Naomi and Ruth’s relationship. It is a relationship that is grounded not in dialog or discussion as two individuals speak to each other from opposing viewpoints. It is a relationship of being a neighbor to one another. To live a life together.


To live a life together means that we walk together as neighbors in life. To be neighborly is the goal. It is a journey. So that we can walk together during this pandemic and have a better understanding how members of our community anticipate participating in the reopening of campus, the link in this pastoral update is a survey looking at the basic questions regarding reopening.

I fully recognize that each one of us approaches the pandemic and reopening differently. People will participate as they are comfortable. The attached survey is the beginning in collecting information to formulate a plan that addresses the needs of our community. Please fill out the survey. This is about our life together.


Click here to take the survey.  


Thank you!


May our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you!


In Christ,

Pastor Tim

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