In this week’s Musings, we welcome Session Elder John Wendland, who works with the Finance Team. John, we are so grateful for your faithful attention to FPCH needs, and your generosity with your time and talents. John’s reflections consider the ways giving helps sustain our church family.


Dear Congregation,


FPCH is a place where the Holy Spirit has been enriching the lives of its congregation for 100 years. As you fill out your pledge card, please consider the importance of your contribution and how it supports ongoing church ministry, especially now during the current financial crisis. You will be supporting Bible study classes for children, teens and adults leading to lively and often life-changing faith discussions. You also provide support to our Winter Shelter (meals, bedding, medical referrals and other services, all offered in Jesus’ name) for individuals made in the image of God facing severe challenges in housing. And you contribute much-needed support for our nationally renowned Actor’s Co-op, Youth Discipleship activities and other outreach.  


FPCH is also where music is a significant part of our worship. As we enter and leave our church, organ music lifts our spirits and inspires us to move from the secular world to the sacredness of our faith. The worship service then encourages us to participate actively through prayers, affirmations of faith and fellowship. We are also blessed in our worship to hear devoted ministers lead us in worship, and to listen to inspiring Christian music each Sunday through the performances of the Cathedral Choir, the Praise Band and the charming beauty of our Children’s Choirs. And maintaining the beauty and integrity of our 100-year-old sanctuary is an ongoing and costly endeavor.


As we consider the importance of our contributions to FPCH and how these help sustain the day-to-day activities of our great church in the heart of Hollywood, we thank you so much for your generosity in the past and look forward to a renewal of our wonderful church and congregation in the months and years to come.


– John Wendland, Session Elder



Below is the text from our SFT team’s letter to the congregation about the blessing of financial giving, our new pledge cards for this Sunday, and some recent developments at FPCH that your faithful giving has helped to achieve. You can also CLICK HERE>> to view the letter online in PDF form.



Dear Congregation,


Our FPCH Sanctuary is a place where the Holy Spirit has been enriching the lives of its congregants for 100 years.

Our church has been the origin of many seminal and impactful Bible teachers like Henrietta Mears, whose disciples launched may of the largest missionary organizations of the 20th century; Campus Crusade for Christ, The Salt Company, the then “Let God Love You” national TV ministry with former Senate Chaplain Lloyd Ogilvie and countless other ministries bearing much fruit and saving souls around the world!


Please join us this giving season as we celebrate this exciting milestone and continue our outreach within our local community and missions throughout the world.

Please take a moment to prayerfully assess the resources God has blessed you with in terms of time, talent and treasure and intentionally give, as God leads, praising Him for His blessings and goodness He has bestowed upon you and our church family for the past 100 years and His wisdom and vision as He prepares and guides us to amazing new beginnings this coming year, laying the foundation for the next 100, and into eternity!


Then fill out your 2023 Pledge Card to bring to the altar at the November 20th Sunday Service, as we do every year. Or, if you can’t attend, please mail it back in the enclosed envelope provided.


Thank you and God bless you and each and every gift pledged! And may they be multiplied like the “fish and loaves” to transform the world for Christ!


Page 2, Recent Developments at FPCH. CLICK HERE>> to read online in PDF form, or read below.



We have rededicated and reopened our Library, celebrating its coffeehouse inspiration “The Salt Company” that grew from small beginnings on our campus to a national influence on Jesus music and culture (be sure to see Rob Loos’ documentary on Amazon, friends!). The Library is now a welcome gathering spot Sundays and throughout the week, for small groups, live music, podcasts, and more.

God has answered prayers for solid biblically based, Christ-centric preaching and teaching in Pastor Mark Brewer, former Senior Pastor at Bel Air Pres! Come and be challenged and fed in your walk with Christ!


And the Facilities Team, along with Church Volunteer Work Days, continue beautiful work sprucing up our campus to create a welcoming space to “come home” … be refreshed, and be nurtured in our Sunday School Classes available from Nursery to High School to Adult Bible Studies.


“Tent Free Zone”

Thanks to the fervent faithful prayers of the church and staff in partnership with the city and Hollywood LAPD, the city supplied housing for our displaced neighbors and declared a “Tent Free Zone” around the church from Franklin to Sunset, and from Gower to Bronson. Praise The Lord!


So come home to FPCH and feast on The Word of The Lord… in 2023 and beyond! Thank you and God Bless You!


Considering making a recurring pledge, but want to stay paperless? To make a recurring pledge online, via our Shelby Giving page, CLICK HERE>>.

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