

I pray that you are progressing along with the 40-day Challenge as we read through the New Testament together.


This week as I look through my journal and the notes I have taken regarding the New Testament church I am struck with the thought that Paul’s letters as well as other correspondence in the New Testament is a reflection of who God is calling that particular community of believers to “be”. As Paul writes the churches in Thessalonica, Galatia, Corinth, Ephesus, Colossae, and Philippi he does so proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ applied to their specific situations. What I have noticed is that his message does not really waiver when answering the question “who is God calling us to be?” His presentation of the standards of conduct or behavior of the Christian is applied equally. He does not waiver by saying that “X” behavior is acceptable here but not here. The behavior he is addressing is not acceptable regardless to whom he is writing.


For your contemplation then as you reflect upon the “Who is God calling us to be?” IF the standard of conduct or behavior expected by Paul in the first century is consistent across the empires why do we think certain behaviors are permissible today but, not then?


As I reflect upon this question I am reminded that those who are called to follow Jesus Christ are called to be holy. What then does it mean to be holy today?


God bless!


Pastor Tim

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