THIS SUNDAY, SEPT. 8, FALL KICKOFF — Join us this Sunday, September 8th, for our Fall Kick-Off/Back to Church Sunday! We will have our classes and small groups at 9:30am. We will have a brass quintet playing in the sanctuary at 10:30am. We will have our worship service at 11am with the return of our choir from their summer break. And we will have a delicious free lunch for all, right after the worship! INVITE A FRIEND! 80% of Americans say they are open to coming to church if only a friend would invite them, but only 5% of Americans say they have ever been invited to church. 85% of people who visit a church for the first time do so because a friend invited them. Invite a friend and help us share the good news!
Sept. 11: Pastor Clark’s Wednesday Night Bible Study returns on Wednesdays from 7-8:15pm, in Mears 1 and 2. We will meet through the end of October, and we will be discussing the New Testament book of 1 Timothy. If you are not currently involved in a Bible study, small group, or Sunday School class, we encourage you to come to deepen your faith in Christ. No previous Bible knowledge is required.
GriefShare returns on Sept. 17 to Dec. 10. and meets in-person on Tuesday evenings. Participants are welcome to join at any time during the 13 weeks. If you have suffered the loss of a loved one (spouse, parent, child, grandparent, or friend), please consider joining others to start the process of healing from grief to joy. The session is 13 weeks, and there is a one-time $20 fee for your personal workbook to keep. There are no other costs to attend. Click the link to register for the Fall: Contact Tom Hartshorn, if you have any questions: 323-606-5223.
Sept. 22 LEGACY GIVING SEMINAR Estate Planning with First Foundation— Your gifts now help to sustain FPCH’s current needs and planned gifts for later will provide a way for FPCH to continue its mission into the future! Join us for an information session with our friends at First Trust. They will be speaking on these topics and more on September 22nd in Mears Center after our church service.
See our calendar below for regular recurring event dates & times.
Join the Bereans Bible Study group, Thursdays at 7pm. They’re currently doing a study on first and second Peter. Email John Safoyan for info.
In Courage – Support & Recovery Group
Location: The Library at FPCH
Date: September12
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
A Christ-centered support and prayer group and a confidential safe-space for all who struggle from past trauma, poor habits, depression, anger, anxiety, fear, or addictions. Contact Tom Hartshorn for info.
A Christ-centered support and prayer group and a confidential safe-space for all who struggle from past trauma, poor habits, depression, anger, anxiety, fear, or addictions. Contact Tom Hartshorn for info.
Bereans Class
Location: Mears 1 & 2
Date: September15
Time: 9:15 am – 10:30 am
Join us this Sunday morning for a verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. Coffee & Bagels will be served. Email John Safoyan for more info.
Join us this Sunday morning for a verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. Coffee & Bagels will be served. Email John Safoyan for more info.
City Lights Group (Young Adults)
Location: The Studio (Missions House)
Date: September15
Time: 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Young Adults – College/20s, come hang with us Sunday mornings at @ 9:30am in The Studio (top floor of the old Missions house, behind the main sanctuary). – Follow us on Facebook & Instagram, or contact Terri Knox for more info.
Young Adults – College/20s, come hang with us Sunday mornings at @ 9:30am in The Studio (top floor of the old Missions house, behind the main sanctuary). – Follow us on Facebook & Instagram, or contact Terri Knox for more info.
Location: The Cellar
Date: September15
Time: 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Mariners class meets at 9:30am in the Mears Center building, classrooms 3 & 4 – They are currently studying Galatians. For info, contact Tom Clark.
Mariners class meets at 9:30am in the Mears Center building, classrooms 3 & 4 – They are currently studying Galatians. For info, contact Tom Clark.
Youth Group
Location: Middle Terrace
Date: September15
Time: 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Youth entering grades 7-12, join us this Sunday in-person at 9:30am in the Middle Terrace for fellowship, snacks, and Bible study. All are welcome! Contact Richard Gomez for more info.
Youth entering grades 7-12, join us this Sunday in-person at 9:30am in the Middle Terrace for fellowship, snacks, and Bible study. All are welcome! Contact Richard Gomez for more info.
Coffee Time
Location: Rose Garden
Date: September15
Time: 10:30 am – 11:00 am
Join us at the kiosk between the Cellar and Wylie Chapel (near our main campus entrance, under the green “Welcome” awning) for a hot cup of freshly made coffee, tea or cocoa.
Join us at the kiosk between the Cellar and Wylie Chapel (near our main campus entrance, under the green “Welcome” awning) for a hot cup of freshly made coffee, tea or cocoa.
Children’s Sunday School
Date: September15
Time: 10:45 am – 11:30 am
Children’s Sunday School for 1st-5th grades takes place every Sunday. To sign up, contact Terri Knox.