
The mission of the Nursery is to serve the church and the local community by providing a welcoming, safe, loving, and nurturing environment that promotes and shares the love of Christ through curriculum, play, and creative expression.


Sunday Nursery

On Sunday mornings our Nursery opens at 9:30am – childcare is provided during the 11am Worship Service, and closes at 12:15pm.


The Nursery is a safe place on our campus where children (ages 4 months – 3 years) are cared for while their parents are involved in worship. All of our nursery staff are equipped with training to properly care for infants and toddlers, and are all CPR and First Aid certified by the American Heart Association. Any Questions? Contact Christin Ritter at for info.


Nursery Location

The Nursery is located on the lower level of the Chrisitian Education building between the Labaig Street entrance and Crossley Theater, across from Mears Center and the playground.





Sunday School

We Value Children


Our Purpose: To serve as a resource to children and their families for building community, supporting family life, and cultivating relationship with Jesus Christ.


Our Vision: To welcome all children and families into a faith community that encourages each person to grow in their identity as a follower of Jesus Christ and member of His Church.



Sunday School Programs

Age-appropriate Bible classes to teach your kids about Jesus are offered every Sunday morning!


9:30am-10am: Kids Connect

Located in the first floor of the Christian Education Building.


11:00am-12:15pm: Preschool/Kindergarten (3-5 years)

Located in the second floor of the Preschool Building.


11:00-12:15pm: Elementary Grades (1st-5th) 

Children will join their families for the 11am service and will be dismissed for Sunday School at the Passing of the Peace to the first floor of the Preschool Building.


10:15am-11am & 12:15-1pm: Children’s Library

Our FPCH Children’s Library is located in the top floor of the Preschool building, behind the nursery. Books and materials available for check out. Open every Sunday!


10am-10:40am: Children’s Choir

For info about our Children’s Choir, please contact Terri Walsh.


Need help finding something? We have a big campus! Contact Christin Ritter at for info.



Volunteer with us!

We are always in need of loving teens and adults to volunteer with our children in a variety of ways. Background check required. Training and flexible volunteer schedules provided.

Contact Terri Knox at





Annual Events


Family Fun Nights

Join us on several Wednesday nights from 6:30-8:30pm in the Mears Center and Mears Courtyard during the summer months when we gather for food and fun and enjoy time as a church family! These delightful nights include movies, outdoor games, sidewalk chalk fun, board games, Bible trivia, and prayer for our children.


Vacation Bible School
This fun, week-long adventure which includes Bible stories, and all kinds of fun activities takes place every year at FPCH. Adult volunteers guide children from Pre-K through 6th grade in activities that explore the heart of God and the meaning of Scripture. Watch for information about registration on the News & Events page.


Volunteer Trainings

We love our volunteers – our programs truly wouldn’t happen without them! That’s why we plan several training sessions each year. These meetings help guide volunteers through the Biblical heart of teaching and caring for children, the practical tools of developmentally appropriate teaching, and standard procedures of caring for families and young children. Staff are also available throughout the year to work with smaller teams or individual volunteers to help meet the needs of their classroom.




The Children’s Center

We have started the process of relaunching the Hollywood Presbyterian Children’s Center. We plan to offer a program that is both exceptional and affordable. More information coming soon!



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