Our Vision for Prayer Ministry
It is the vision of the Prayer Ministry to build a house of prayer for the Lord (Isaiah 56:7) at FPCH. We endeavor to unite God’s people in corporate and intimate personal prayer in order to worship the Lord our God, to encourage the hearts of His people, and to discern the will of God for His church and for our lives.
Prayer Requests
If you would like to be prayed for by our team of Elders and Deacons, please contact Tom Hartshorn. We are excited to hear from you and to pray for you!
Sunday Morning Service
After each Sunday service, our prayer leaders are available and eager to pray with you for any number of needs. They will pray for personal, emotional, and spiritual concerns you have for yourself or others. They pray for those looking for a new relationship with Jesus Christ or for those seeking to deepen their current relationship. These prayer leaders are all faithfully committed to confidentiality and to caring. They can also direct you to other counseling and other services. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity for one-on-one prayer.
Wednesday Prayer Zoom Gatherings
Join with us for a sacred and joyful time of prayer every Wednesday evening at 7pm over Zoom. We will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ through hymns, prayer and reading of Scripture. Click Here to join , or contact Tom Hartshorn for an invite link.
Wednesday Morning Prayer in Wylie Chapel
Wylie Chapel is open for silent prayer, reflection, and meditation each Wednesday morning from 7-10am. If you are in the neighborhood, please come and enjoy the silence and shalom with our Lord. Contact Tom Hartshorn for more information.